ASME is setting the standard for drone inspection
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a leading professional engineering society which develops, among others, codes and standards that are adopted globally. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) is ASME's largest and most used code. It is regarded internationally as a standard for design, construction, and maintenance of boilers and pressure vessels in all industries.
Flyability is proud to join the SWG to contribute its extensive experience using drones to perform inspections in indoor, hazardous, and confined spaces. Flyability is actively involving its engineers, pilots, account managers, and partners to provide the committee with deep and field-acquired insights on the safe deployment and operations of drones in many different environments.
Because UAV usage to perform inspections is on the rise, ASME is elaborating a standard for safe and reliable operations of this new technology. This standard will be part of Section V, Nondestructive Testing, of the BPVC. According to ASME, the goal of the Special Working Group is to develop, review and maintain guidelines, standards for requirements and methods for industrial plant (e.g. power, petrochemical, manufacturing, etc) inspection using safe and reliably operating unmanned aerial systems/unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS/UAVs). The committee is composed of inspection professionals from world-leading industries.
"We are thrilled to be contributing to this important project. The Special Working Group highlights the value of using robots to perform quicker, safer, and more cost efficient inspections," says Alexandre Meldem, Project Manager at Flyability. "Through this commitment, Flyability strives to help shape the future of UAV inspections by sharing best practices learned through extensive experience in the field, to ensure that they will be done safely and reliably, all while being accessible to those who need to perform them the most, inspectors."